The Paradox of Power

How Might Shapes the Perception of Justice and Fairness

Anees Khan
4 min readOct 30, 2023


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From our earliest days in school, we were taught that fairness and justice are fundamental principles that underpin our society. We grew up believing that right would prevail over wrong, and that the scales of justice would always tip in favor of the virtuous. However, the harsh realities of the world often paint a different picture, where might seems to dictate what is just and what is fair. It is the powerful who have the ability to shape these concepts, determine who is right and who is wrong, and even write the history books that we read. This paradox, the idea that might is right, has been a recurrent theme throughout human history, and it continues to shape our understanding of justice and fairness in the present day.

The Power to Define Justice and Fairness

The concept that might is right is deeply rooted in human history. Throughout the ages, those with the most power and influence have often been the ones to define and impose their notions of justice and fairness on society. In ancient civilizations, rulers and monarchs were not just political leaders but also moral authorities, shaping the very fabric of societal values. They could determine what actions were deemed virtuous or…



Anees Khan

Anees Khan is a freelance web and mobile app developer, and a software developer, for the past 28 years, and is running Getcha Solutions (